REPORT: Forever chemicals found in BAND-AIDS and WOMEN’S UNDERWEAR can seep into the body and may contribute to cancer and infertility

If you think mass population reduction through planned inflicted sickness and the sale of toxic products is a “conspiracy theory” then you better think again. If you’re not already familiar with forever chemicals, they’re used to make hundreds of products consumers use regularly, including cookware, food wrappers and bandages. Now it’s revealed they’re found in products that seep directly into the bloodstream and body fluids, causing cancer and infertility.

Got an open wound you want to cover to keep it safe from infection? Don’t use Band-Aids or Curad, because a shocking report reveals many of their bandages contain fluorine, a primary component of PFAS (polyfluoroalkyl substances also known as forever chemicals), that raise one’s risk of thyroid cancer by 55 percent or more. The chemicals seep directly into the blood through the wound, doing the exact opposite of what they are supposed to do, which is protect the body from infection and disease.

By the way, fluorine is used to make rocket fuel, so don’t think the manufacturers of these bandages don’t know better than to use it in their products. Welcome to the Cancer Industrial Complex of America and the insidious infertility drive, brought to you by Big Pharma and the genocidal maniacs at the U.S. regulatory agencies that approve all these hazardous products.

PFAS chemicals are very dangerous when inhaled, can burn skin and damage eyes, so why are they commonly found in bandages and women’s underwear?

The former head of the National Toxicology Program, Dr. Linda Birnhaum, a seasoned toxicologist, is on the record saying that the fact that these toxic chemicals are coming in direct contact with open wounds is “troubling.” Once in the bloodstream, they lodge in healthy tissue and damage the immune system, the kidneys, the liver and other vital organs.

Health watchdogs tested over 40 bandages from 18 different brands and found fluorine in more than half of them. This testing was done in an EPA-certified lab and found HIGH LEVELS of the forever chemicals in the adhesive flaps and in the absorbent pads of bandages sold at the most popular of retailers, including Amazon, Rite Aid, Target, Walmart and CVS. Remember, parents put these bandages on their children and babies too.

Millions of menstrual products and women’s underpants manufactured with toxic PFAS that can cause cancer and infertility

Here is another blatant attack on reproductive health exposed by truth news. It’s now revealed that millions of products women use on their private parts are causing cancer and infertility. We’re talking about panties, panty liners, sanitary pads, tampons, and incontinence pads revealed through multiple in-depth lab analyses conducted over the past 4 years to contain forever chemicals.

One company, Thinx, had to settle a class-action lawsuit for $4 million just to keep the findings under wraps, so the general public wouldn’t catch wind of the fertility issues caused by their adulterated products. Fluorine was detected in nearly half of their feminine products. Dr Birnbaum commented: “Dermal exposure to PFAS from your menstrual products can be a big problem. Because vaginal skin is so vascular, we can anticipate the internal exposure could be a bit worse.”

If you are a consumer who “follows the science” when it comes to health and safety, then this arena of products should greatly concern you. Check every product you use for forever chemicals like PFAS and choose wisely, from now on.

Tune that internet dial to for more great insight into chemicals in the food, medicine and personal care product supply that affects the health of women and children across this nation and the world.

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